Floristics, phytosociology and productivity in riparian areas of Cerrado


  • Maria Cristina Bueno Coelho Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Walberisa Magalhães Gregório Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Mathaus Messias Coimbra Limeira Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Eziele Nathane Peres Lima Universidade FEderal do Tocantins
  • Dayane Lucena Andrade Universidade FEderal do Tocantins
  • Mauro Luiz Erpen Instituto Federal do Tocantins



Having a water system free of deforestation and pollution around the city is a constant struggle since it often suf­fers from contamination, silting, loss of fauna and devastation of riparian forests. The studied area is a remnant of riparian forest that includes the streams of the urbanized microbasin of the municipality of Gurupi (Água Franca, Dois Irmãos, Mutuca, Pouso do Meio I and Pouso do Meio II). This research evaluates phytosociological and floristic indicators, volume, biomass and shoot carbon stock. The goal is to determine biodiversity, richness and productivity, aiming to maintain these resources and manage their continuous flow. The method used was a tem­porary systematic inventory, obtaining the following measures: total height (m); CBH (circumference at breast height), with values ≥ 15 cm being converted to DBH (diameter at breast height); stem quality; and sociological position. To determine productivity, we used equations established in the forest literature. The number of arboreal individuals, botanical species and families were respectively: 616, 66 and 40 for the Água Franca stream; 288, 46 and 22 for the Dois Irmãos stream; 560, 54 and 32 for the Mutuca stream; 307, 36 and 19 for the Pouso do Meio I stream; and 113, 15 and 11 for the Pouso do Meio II stream. The estimated values of shoot biomass, shoot car­bon and total volume indicate that the areas are quite altered, with the need for recovery actions so that the water system is maintained, guaranteeing the quality of life of the population.

Biografia do Autor

Maria Cristina Bueno Coelho, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Professora Adjunta II da Universidade Federal do Tocantins no curso de Engenharia Florestal do campus de Gurupi



Como Citar

COELHO, M. C. B.; GREGÓRIO, W. M.; LIMEIRA, M. M. C.; PERES LIMA, E. N.; ANDRADE, D. L.; ERPEN, M. L. Floristics, phytosociology and productivity in riparian areas of Cerrado. Científica, Dracena, SP, v. 46, n. 4, p. 412–422, 2018. DOI: 10.15361/1984-5529.2018v46n4p412-422. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 mar. 2025.



Silvicultura/Engenharia Florestal - Forestry