Torque and power demand of agricultural equipment activated by power take-off


  • Marcelo Silveira de Farias Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Campus Frederico Westphalen Departamento de Ciências Agronômicas e Ambientais
  • José Fernando Schlosser Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Departamento de Engenharia Rural
  • Gilvan Moisés Bertollo Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campus Santa Helena
  • Eduardo Londero Druzian Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Centro de Tecnologia
  • Leonardo Casali Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Curso de Agronomia



The agricultural tractor is the main mobile energy source in rural companies, with power take-off being one of the most important uses of the energy produced by the engine. This study evaluates the torque and power demand required to activate active parts of agricultural equipment through tractor power take-off in different working condi­tions. For this, a boom sprayer, an atomizer, a rotary hoe, and a rotary ditcher were used. The experimental de­sign for the sprayers was completely randomized, with working pressures of 150, 240, and 310 kPa for the boom sprayer and flow rates of 11.5, 13.0, and 22.0 L min h-1 for the atomizer. The randomized block experimental design, in a bi-factorial design (3 x 2), was used for the rotary hoe and rotary ditcher, with three speeds (2.10; 2.60 and 3.10 km h-1) and two soil conditions for the rotary hoe (one harrowing and two harrowings) and two working depths for the rotary ditcher (0.10 m and 0.20 m). Torque and power values were obtained using a torque indicator installed between the power take-off and the universal joint shaft, which links the tractor to the equip­ment. From the data obtained, it was concluded that the boom sprayer demanded the highest torque and power at the highest working pressure. The rotary ditcher increased torque and power demand as speed and working depth increased.



Como Citar

FARIAS, M. S. de; SCHLOSSER, J. F.; BERTOLLO, G. M.; LONDERO DRUZIAN, E.; CASALI, L. Torque and power demand of agricultural equipment activated by power take-off. Científica, Dracena, SP, v. 49, n. 1, p. 09–13, 2021. DOI: 10.15361/1984-5529.2021v49n1p09-13. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 mar. 2025.



Engenharia Rural/Agrícola - Rural/Agricultural Engineering

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