'Imperial' melon plant seedlings initial development in function of boron doses applied in the seed


  • Francisca Gislene Albano Universidade Federal do Piauí
  • Raissa Rachel Salustriano da Silva-Matos Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Ítalo Herbert Lucena Cavalcante Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco
  • Roberto Lustosa Silva Universidade Federal de Viçosa
  • Adenaelson de Sousa Marques Universidade Federal do Piauí
  • Leonel Soares da Costa Universidade Federal do Piauí




The melon has little boron deficiency tolerance and supply as seed treatment can meet the need of the plant and improve its development especially in the seedling stage. The objective of this study was to evaluate the initial development of muskmelon seedlings 'Imperial' on the basis of boron application in seeds. The experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions (50% brightness) in Bom Jesus-PI in the period April-May 2011. It was adopted a randomized block design, with treatments: 0.0; 4.24; 8.50; 17.00; 34.00 g kg-1 B seeds, with five replications, and experimental unit consisting of five seedlings. Tubes were used as containers for up to 50 cm-3, filled with a substrate composed of soil (Oxisol), washed sand and manure in the ratio (1: 1: 2) respectively. At the end of the experiment were evaluated: i) plant height; ii) stem diameter and iii) dry matter of root and shoot. There was an effect of boron rates applied to melon seed, with increased production of dry matter of shoots and roots, recommending the dose 11 g B per kg of seed for increased production of dry tissue.


Additional keywords: boric acid; Cucumis melo L.; seed fertilization.

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Como Citar

ALBANO, F. G.; SILVA-MATOS, R. R. S. da; CAVALCANTE, Ítalo H. L.; SILVA, R. L.; MARQUES, A. de S.; COSTA, L. S. da. ’Imperial’ melon plant seedlings initial development in function of boron doses applied in the seed. Científica, Dracena, SP, v. 43, n. 4, p. 348–352, 2015. DOI: 10.15361/1984-5529.2015v43n4p348-352. Disponível em: https://cientifica.dracena.unesp.br/index.php/cientifica/article/view/706. Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.



Fitotecnia - Crop Production

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