Desorption isotherms of acerola fruits variety 'Okinawa'


  • Daíse Souza Reis Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco
  • Acácio Figueiredo Neto Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco/Professor
  • Josenara Daiane de Souza Costa Universidade Federal de Campina Grande/Mestranda
  • Francisco de Assis Cardoso Almeida Universidade Federal De Campina Grande/Professor
  • Josivanda Palmeira Gomes Gouveia Universidade Federal De Campina Grande/Professor



Malpighia glabra L., modelos matemáticos, secagem


The cultivation of acerola in Brazil is growing. The acerola fruit is known to have several properties concur­rent with where it is grown. The determination of the water activity of biological products becomes essential in studies on drying, storage and packaging processes since the higher the water activity of a product, the higher the susceptibility to attacks by microorganisms. This study aimed to evaluate desorption isotherms of acerola fruits (Malpighia glabra L.) for the temperatures 30, 40 and 50 °C by the indirect static method. The experimental data were adjusted to the mathematical models BET, GAB, Halsey, and Oswin and Smith. Analyses of residues, coefficient of determination, relative standard deviation and estimated standard devia­tion were calculated for each adjusted model and used to evaluate the model that best adjusted to desorp­tion isotherms. Based on the results obtained, the Smith's model represented isotherms with a higher preci­sion for this variety of acerola.

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Como Citar

REIS, D. S.; NETO, A. F.; COSTA, J. D. de S.; ALMEIDA, F. de A. C.; GOUVEIA, J. P. G. Desorption isotherms of acerola fruits variety ’Okinawa’. Científica, Dracena, SP, v. 45, n. 2, p. 130–136, 2017. DOI: 10.15361/1984-5529.2017v45n2p130-136. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.



Engenharia Rural/Agrícola - Rural/Agricultural Engineering

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