With commitment the results appear


The efforts undertaken by all authors, reviewers and editors in recent years are bearing fruit.Between 2017 and 2021, 231 articles were published, 84% of which were in English.As a result, in 2019 Scopus' CiteScore was 0.1, the following year it rose to 0.3, and in 2021 the index increased to 0.6.I believe that for this year the CiteScore could be even higher.

In the area of Agricultural and General Biological Sciences, the journal ranks 170/211 or 19th in the percentile.

According to the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - Capes' New Qualis rules, when the percentile varies from 25 to 37.5, the journal's stratum is B2. In 2021, the American Biology Teacher magazine obtained a CiteScore of 0.7 and 25th percentile in Scopus (B2 in Qualis) and the CiteScore of the magazine Biology and Environment was 1.0, occupying 38th percentile (B1 in Qualis Capes). These data suggest that Científica's qualifications may increase soon, vis-à-vis Capes stratum. Thanks to everyone's work!