Comparative cytogenetics in nine cultivars of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims)
Karyotype, FISH, chromosomal heteromorphism, Passifloraceae, Intraspecific variationAbstract
Nine commercial cultivars of Passsiflora edulis were analyzed for karyotypes.Karyotype analyzes in accessions and cultivars of the genus Passiflora have helped to understand the interespecific variability both for the genetic improvement and for the production by hybridization to obtain promising plants within the genus. The aim of this study was to understand the intraespecific karyotype variability and its diversification through classic and molecular cytogenetic techniques. Conventional staining with 4% Giemsa was used for conventional karyotype analysis and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) was used to locate 45S and 5S rDNA sites. All cultivars were diploid, with chromosome number 2n = 18. Significant difference (P<0.001) was observed between the mean values of chromosome length between cultivars. The chromosomal mapping with FISH demonstrated a pair with rDNA 5S sites and two pairs of rDNA 45S in long arms of the chromosomes. The rDNA 5S site was observed on chromosomes 5 in all cultivars, while the rDNA 45S sites were observed in two chromosomal pairs that varied their positions in different cultivars (6L and 8L, 7L and 9L, 7L and 8L). Heteromorphism was observed in the length of the 45S site in some cultivars as well as in the length of the long arm and in some chromosomal satellites. The data presented in this article can help to understand the variation of the intraspecific karyotype in P. edulis, in view of the varied breeding processes that these species have undergone throughout the domestication process, being observed variation between cultivars. rDNA 5S and 45S clusters proved to be excellent markers cytogenetics to understand the process of variation, and consequently evolution, intraspecific in Passiflora.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Jonathan Andre Morales MARROQUÍN, Margarete Magalhães SOUZA, Gonçalo Santos SILVA, Cláusio Antônio Ferreira MELO, Viviane de Oliveira SOUZA, Rita de Cássia Vital SANTOS-SANCHÊS

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