Traction performance of an agricultural tractor at different working speeds and surfaces


  • Alexandre RUSSINI Federal University of Pampa
  • Daniel Ciro SOUZA Federal University of Pampa
  • Rogério Rodrigues VARGAS Federal University of Pampa
  • Marcelo Silveira FARIAS Federal University of Santa Maria
  • José Fernando SCHLOSSER Federal University of Santa Maria
  • Daniela HERZOG Federal University of Santa Maria



agricultural engineering, mechanization, traction efficiency


This research aimed to evaluate the traction performance of an agricultural tractor at different working speeds and surfaces. The experiment was carried out under a randomized block design, in a bifactorial scheme (5x2), resulting from the interaction of five speeds (2.98; 3.17; 3.53; 7.14 and 10.38 km h-1) and two surfaces (firm soil with vegetation cover and pavement), with three repetitions. Data were collected using electronic instrumentation installed on the tractor. With the aid of a brake dynamometer, like a convoy, a load was imposed on the tractor's drawbar, corresponding to the maximum power on the drawbar, for each evaluated speed. The results indicated that the traction force, power and dynamic coefficient of traction were 1.49%, 13.09% and 2.04% higher, respectively, for the pavement surface in relation to the firm soil with vegetation cover. Specific fuel consumption was reduced by 6.95% for the pavement condition. It is concluded that the efficiency in transforming the engine power into traction power was 47.79% for firm soil with vegetation cover and 52.10% for the pavement surface, for the conditions in which the experiment was conducted.


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How to Cite

RUSSINI, A. .; SOUZA, D. C.; VARGAS, R. R.; FARIAS, M. S.; SCHLOSSER, J. F.; HERZOG, D. . Traction performance of an agricultural tractor at different working speeds and surfaces. Científica, Dracena, SP, v. 50, p. 1–9, 2022. DOI: 10.15361/1984-5529.2022.v50.1444. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 dec. 2024.



Rural/Agricultural Engineering