Evaluation of wheat genotypes developed from the cross between <em>Triticum aestivum </em>L. and <em>T. durum </em>as to grain yield and other agronomical characteristics under different cultivation conditions in the state of São Paulo, Brazil


  • Mary Túlia Vargas Lobato xxxxx
  • Carlos Eduardo de Oliveira Camargo
  • Antonio Wilson Penteado Ferreira Filho
  • Armando Pettinelli Júnior
  • Jairo Lopes de Castro
  • Paulo Boller Gallo




Evaluation of wheat genotypes, originated from Triticum aestivum L. e T. durum L. crosses, in relation to grain yield and other agronomic characteristics, in different cultivation conditions of the State of São Paulo.Eighteen wheat inbred lines originated from interspecific crosses (bread wheat x durum wheat) and two cultivars IAC-24 and IAC-370, were evaluated in 3 experiments, using randomized block de­sign, with 4 replications, carried out in acid soil and upland condition, in Capão Bonito and in limed soil with sprinkler irrigation in Tatuí and Mococa, State of São Paulo, Brazil, in 2004. Grain yield and other agronomic characteristics were analyzed. Tolerance to aluminum toxicity was studied, in laboratory. The lines 12 (IAC-60/IAC-1003) and 14 (IAC-60/IAC-1003) and the cultivar IAC-24 showed good performance in Capão Bonito, in relation to grain yield, presenting the tallest semi-dwarf plants, toler­ant to aluminum toxicity. The inbred line 19 (FCT"S"/3/GOV/AZ//MUS"S"/4/BUC"S"/5/IAC-1003) was superior in relation to grain yield, the inbred line 3 (Maya"S"/SPRW"S"//SAP"S" /3/BUC"S"/4/IAC-225/5/IAC-1003) in relation to head length, the inbred line 13 (IAC-60/IAC-1003) in relation to grains per head and the inbred line 10 (IAC-209/IAC-24//IAC-1003) in relation to grains per spikelet. Geno­types showing high grain yield in Tatuí were associated with the tallest semi-dwarf plants, and with heavy grains and negatively with plants exhibiting the highest number of grains per head.


Additional keywords: bread wheat; durum wheat; limed and acid soil; upland and sprinkler irrigation conditions; correlations among agronomic characteristics.

How to Cite

VARGAS LOBATO, M. T.; DE OLIVEIRA CAMARGO, C. E.; PENTEADO FERREIRA FILHO, A. W.; PETTINELLI JÚNIOR, A.; LOPES DE CASTRO, J.; BOLLER GALLO, P. Evaluation of wheat genotypes developed from the cross between <em>Triticum aestivum </em>L. and <em>T. durum </em>as to grain yield and other agronomical characteristics under different cultivation conditions in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Científica, Dracena, SP, v. 37, n. 2, p. 67–76, 2009. DOI: 10.15361/1984-5529.2009v37n2p67 - 76. Disponível em: https://cientifica.dracena.unesp.br/index.php/cientifica/article/view/283. Acesso em: 3 mar. 2025.



Animal Breeding