Using saturated salt solution for the accelerated aging of broccoli seeds (Brassica o/eracea L. var. itálica Plenk)
The objective of this work was to study the use of NaCI saturated salt solution in the accelerated aging test to evaluate the physiological potential and sanity of broccoli seeds. Nine seed lots were used, of the cultivars Early Piracicaba, Ramoso Santana, Flórida and Baron which were submitted to germination, first count, speed of germination, seedling length, dry matter, accelerated aging (45 °C; 24, 48 and 72 h) with or without the use of the saturated salt solution and health tests. The moisture content of seeds exposed to the saturated salt solution was lower and more uniform after the aging periods, and the use of this procedure for small seeds is an advantage in relation to the traditional test, promoting a less accentuated deterioration and consequently less drastic effects and more uniform results. Analyzing the health test after aging for 24, 48 and 72 hours with water and salt solution, it was observed a decrease in the incidence of some fungi, mainly Alternaria *$. The period of 48 hours at 45 °C with the use of NaCI saturated solution is considered adequate to evaluate the physiological potential of broccoli seeds. Additional keywords: vigor; sanity; fungi.How to Cite
FESSEL, S. A.; RIBEIRO DA SILVA, L. J.; ALTAFIN GALLI, J.; SADER, R. Using saturated salt solution for the accelerated aging of broccoli seeds (Brassica o/eracea L. var. itálica Plenk). Científica, Dracena, SP, v. 33, n. 1, p. 27–34, 2008. DOI: 10.15361/1984-5529.2005v33n1p27 - 34. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.
Animal Production
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