Preferential nitrogen form (15NH4+ or 15NO3-) taken up by soybean, common bean, rice and corn crops


  • Reges Heinrichs
  • Glauber José Gava
  • Edemar Joaquim Corazza
  • Robson Rui Contrin Duete
  • Felipe Carlos Alvarez Villanueva
  • Takashi Muraoka



In annual crops, the nitrogen fertilizer application practice can supply the nitrogen needed for maximum yield. However, taking in consideration the damaging effects on the environment of improperly planned fertilizer use, it is necessary to adjust the amount and the forms of N to be applied according to crop requirement. Viewing to determine the N form which is preferentially absorbed by the plants at their initial growth stage, an experiment was carried out under green house conditions in a Hapludox soil. Ammonium nitrate (AN) in which 2% of the N was labeled N (5N) either as NH4+ or as NO3- was used. The AN solution was then applied onto the soil surface of each vase at the rate of 00 mg of N either at sowing or 0 days later. The results showed that the soybean plants, when fertilization was made at sowing, had no preferred form of N. But, if fertilization took place 0 days after sowing, the NH4+ form was the preferred one. Common bean plants showed no preferred form. Rice plants preferred the NH4+ form irrespective of fertilization time. Corn plants preferred the ammoniacal form when fertilization was made at sowing.Additional keywords: ammonium ion; nitrate ion; labeled ammonium nitrate; annual crops.



How to Cite

HEINRICHS, R.; GAVA, G. J.; CORAZZA, E. J.; DUETE, R. R. C.; VILLANUEVA, F. C. A.; MURAOKA, T. Preferential nitrogen form (15NH4+ or 15NO3-) taken up by soybean, common bean, rice and corn crops. Científica, Dracena, SP, v. 34, n. 1, p. 25–30, 2008. DOI: 10.15361/1984-5529.2006v34n1p25 - 30. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 mar. 2025.



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